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Join a Committee

Committee members play a vital role in our chapter. Volunteering is a great way to get the most out of your membership - meet and connect with fellow members, help build the chapter and industry and become more rooted within our community!Committee roles are volunteer positions, and can be tailored to fit your experience and availability. We understand that everyone’s ability to participate is different and we welcome and appreciate your help, time and skill set. Our committees typically meet a minimum of four times a year.

Our committees include:

  • Programs + Education: Help develop and execute our programing schedule for the year to bring a diverse range of industry hot topics while showcasing our members.

  • Marketing + Communications: Manage the chapter website, create emails blasts to promote upcoming program and develop a chapter social media plan.

  • Membership: recruitment, member engagement, program check-in table, ILEA 101 

  • Fundraising: Develop ways throughout the year to generate additional revenue for the chapter through silent auctions, raffles and our annual oyster roast event.

  • Crown Jewel Awards: Help plan and execute our annual awards from the entry submission process, procuring sponsors, marketing to event logistics. There's something for everyone!

Have questions or want to get invovled? Reach out to ILEA Charlotte Chapter President, Bryan Paschal to learn more.

Want to showcase your space, product or service at an upcoming ILEA Charlotte program?


Contact our VP of Programs, David Klingel to learn more.

Sponsor a Program

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